Tuesday, May 15, 2018

56. Huckleberries

            It may seem like the wrong time of year to extol the virtues of the huckleberry but I can get into my freezer and stick a handful in my morning oatmeal, so why not sing their praises?
            In late summer I can often be found on a hillside in the Hoodoo Mountains picking these treasured little berries.  While I love the flavor I also love the act of picking them.  Being out in the woods, usually with a friend or two, hidden in the bushes seemingly alone and calling out only occasionally to my friends and just forgetting everything in the world except these little purple jewels is a luxury I can’t describe or even share with many others.  Most other people don’t get it, that seeming alone time to just think.  And here in May when things can feel hectic and overwhelming I can just pull out a handful of that alone time and plop it in my oatmeal.  I can smell the heat and the forest.  I can hear the insects buzzing but I don’t think about work.  I can feel my breakfast melting me into a world apart, a huckleberry heaven that is all my own.
            Huckleberries are tart with a strong scent.  You can often smell them on the hillsides when they are ripe, their scent sweet and alluring.  They make great pies, syrup and other sweets but they can also add a nice tang to savory foods.  They are expensive to buy so any huckleberry food products from Idaho and Montana (where they are common) can also become costly.  But after you’ve picked them a few times—they’re only wild, never cultivated—and you spend an hour only to get half a gallon you soon understand that $40 a gallon isn’t such a bad deal.  Personally I would rather spend my summer afternoons on a mountainside whiling the time away with a couple friends in a huckleberry patch and bring all that joy to mind in a nice breakfast in May or an October piece of pie.  I love huckleberries.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

We Must Together Rise

 There are mornings when the world’s weight presses,
Presses upon you so heavily that
The effort of rising from the bed seems
An impossibility. Isn’t there
Anything new to contemplate besides
The darkness of mankind that presses my
Head to the pillow in spite of the bright
That mockingly filters through the morning
Blinds? We struggle every day against
lies, against disease, against death and it
Continues to oppress us. Sometimes our
Brightest seem to wield the darkness best as
A sword against others. How long must we
Watch our waters turn to blood? How long will
We force women to bear children into
Poverty? How long will we continue to
Poison the children who had no choice in
Their birth? When will we stop corralling kids
In schools where we send the insane with guns
To have their way with slaughter? This presses
Upon me. And yet the sun persists to
Shine.  I will rise. We must together rise.