Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Poem: Who is This Him, Anyway?

 Who is This Him, Anyway?

This modern age seems to question 
Our very language plaguing us
With darkness and misunderstanding
Suggesting it’s a culture war,
But can the artist formerly 
Known as Prince stop the Tweets
Of a president who trumped 
Us all with his election deceit?
Can X save us from
Happy Holidays of Starbucks’
Black coffee that makes us woke
To the posts of the singular They
Who demands to be one
Of which no one can determine?
If we change the language 
While we sleep, will we awake
Without culture? And why,
Pray tell, in this day would any
Woman want to be anything 
But They so that their body
Is their own, not the object 
Of the Him? Who is this Him

August 2023

About This Poem
I wrote this a little over a year ago and it could use some tweaking, but you can see the politics of our time in it, the looming presence of "culture" wars, politics, and the corporate world. Most of it is fodder for the press and doesn't have great impact on our daily lives, unless you watch the news or read it. Then your blood pressure goes up. So I like to just play with it so that my blood pressure drops.

Friday, January 3, 2025

Poem: Just Water a Bit and Let Me Be

Just Water a Bit and Let Me Be

Each day the morning arrives a little
Later, a little cooler. The leaves are
Just a little off color, not much—
Edges of trees lose their green to tints of
Yellows, reds, oranges, and even some brown.
I find myself sweeping them off the steps
And patio every time I go
Out the door. Flower pots still
Need water and I oblige them but one
Morning I know they will be blackened
And I’ll be pulling them up and storing
Pots for spring somewhere in the mess from
Summer—hoses, pots, fertilizers, tools
That do me no good in drifts of snow.

I feel a little like those flowers these days
With all the doctor’s visits for my blood,
My heart, injections in my fading eyes.
They seem to be pruning me, a squeezing 
Out just a few more blossoms, knowing it
Won’t be long before the impending frost
Beckons to me, blackens me to where I 
Bloom no more. 
                           But just because I have less
Time, I know that my green’s fading and
I don’t have any problems letting my 
Colors show—oranges tinged with aches, yellows
Curling at the edges of my moods and
Sometimes bright red outbursts that drive the greens
Away. But they’re just tinges now, nothing 
Much to show I’m anything less than green
In my prime having plenty of summer
Left and plenty of flowers to spare you.

So, just water a bit and let me be.

September 2023

About This Poem
This poem is entirely about myself. I used the early autumn as backdrop to the reality of my aging. I love gardening and, like the plants in my gardening, I need a little tending. But, also like the plants in my garden, I'm not going to last forever and I feel it more now than I ever have before. The photo is of me sitting on a platform from an old building while waiting for the cross country race to begin. I no longer coach, but I volunteer. The monochrome is because I was just fiddling with my phone camera.


Thursday, January 2, 2025

Poem: The Thirst For Poetry

The Thirst for Poetry

At times I have immersed myself in poetry
As if I were diving into a lake
Fully cognizant of my existence
In the pools of beauty
But unconcerned about anything
Except the waters of soothing calm.
Each day I try to capture a drop 
Of that lake—to just take a sweet taste—
And let the romance overtake me.
For the most part these days
It’s just a glimpse into a droplet
Of a much larger body so fluid,
Not stiff and clumsy like my aging body.
Sometimes the reality of my day to day
Eclipses that great body of water
So that I hardly see the Frosts,
The Cummings, the Hughes, the Plaths,
The me that longs to drink forever 
From the lake—no, sea—of poetry
So that I’m left with the musty scent
Of used books and the scribblings
Of troubled minds, adventurous minds,
Just human minds moldering
In a dried out bed shrunken to cracked mud
Empty of metaphor, meaning, even the lists
Of a Whitman singing America.
But even Homer’s unfaithful Odysseus
Adventured across the seas
Only to find, after all those years,
His ever faithful Penelope.
So I will continue to pray for rain
To use again in a poetic refrain.

September 2023

About This Poem
I honestly don't remember what caused me to write this poem, except the fact that I feel like I never get enough poetry. I love it and, in spite of feeling I don't get enough, read and write it every day. But there is just so much. And maybe I'm just being like Odysseus, adrift on the sea looking to find my faithfulness in a single poem? I don't know.