Who is This Him, Anyway?
This modern age seems to question
Our very language plaguing us
With darkness and misunderstanding
Suggesting it’s a culture war,
But can the artist formerly
Known as Prince stop the Tweets
Of a president who trumped
Us all with his election deceit?
Can X save us from
Happy Holidays of Starbucks’
Black coffee that makes us woke
To the posts of the singular They
Who demands to be one
Of which no one can determine?
If we change the language
While we sleep, will we awake
Without culture? And why,
Pray tell, in this day would any
Woman want to be anything
But They so that their body
Is their own, not the object
Of the Him? Who is this Him
August 2023
About This Poem
I wrote this a little over a year ago and it could use some tweaking, but you can see the politics of our time in it, the looming presence of "culture" wars, politics, and the corporate world. Most of it is fodder for the press and doesn't have great impact on our daily lives, unless you watch the news or read it. Then your blood pressure goes up. So I like to just play with it so that my blood pressure drops.