Sin’s Story in the Leaves
Leaves in the rain fall from the tree
Paginated all over my lawn
Covering it like those first leaves
Covered Adam and Eve.
I collect them like the treasures
They are, bibliophile that I am,
And pile them in heaps
Upon my garden space
Where I will till every word
They evoke into the soil
So that in spring they will
Grow more words of joy
And sorrow in the fruits of harvest.
And the nakedness of my sinful
Lawn? It will be covered again
All too soon, not with the pages
Of the trees but the shroud
Of the grave. And I will open
The book and recite the prayers
That are written there hiding
Like those Edenic leaves.
The nakedness of our shame
And humanity that is so cruelly
Collected in libraries guiding
Us to the original sin that we
Always forget even as we hold
The book, copies upon copies
That tell us, yet we see it only
As a ruse, not a daintily sewn
Leaf paginating the daily reality
Of our lives to be raked up
In the autumn leaves.
November 2023
About This Poem
I like this poem in light of all the book banning that's going on these days in libraries across the country. In fact, that's what inspired it. I get tired of legislation that controls what others can see, in this case minors but in reality everyone. Of course you can't really ban anything because it is within our very selves. That's what this poem is about. I like the old way pages were called leaves, so I went with that in my metaphor for this poem. The picture is really a shot from my lawn. I realize this isn't the time of year for autumn poems, but it is the time of year that the legislature is in session in Idaho so the poem is absolutely relevant to January.