Human Trinity?
Eternal Shadow of the finite soul
The soul’s self symbol
it’s image of itself,
It’s own yet not itself—
ST Coleridge
The body, mind, and soul are the makings
Of a human. Body is temporal
Made up of ash and dust while the mind is
That which melds body to soul and saves all
That it learns from the body transferring
It to the soul, the eternal finite
Part of the human. I don’t know if this
Is how a philosopher would define
The parts of a human or if any
Theologians would agree but it is
How I have somehow learned it, the triune
Nature of man created by our God
In his image: triune. I defer it to
Philosophers and Theologians
Yet claim, as a poet, to be both those
And present my findings to pages prose
Filled with the magic of imagery
To dispel it to you from merely pages
That come from my all too human hands of
Corruption that are anything but divine
For your all too human mind to believe
Or discard as you will the musings of
Man eternal or merely temporal…
December 2023
About This Poem
I think poets typically consider themselves philosophers and theologians and I'm no different. This poem is my take on being created in the image of God as it says in Genesis. And it simply poses a question, not an answer. What do you think? The photo is of three men simply because I mentioned trinity. This is me and a friend and his son, a former student and runner of mine.