Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Poem: August Prayer

August Prayer


Thank you, Lord, for this day,

A day in which I’ll have lots to say.

What, in your plan, needs to make it so hot?

Not gonna lie, I think it’s a lot of rot.


I know it’s not really my place

To complain of the heat in your grace,

But you even named Jacob

“Wrestles with God,” and hot it is, God.


But maybe that is part of your plan

Because in this heat I do sweat, man.

Not likely to get me wrestling well

When I’m slick as grease. Oh hell,


You make it just as hot as you please

And I’ll figure a way to cool a spot. Geeze.

I know you care for the sparrow that falls

And in this heat, you got a lot of gall


To make so many of those little ones fall

And my morning whining is just my call.

Thank you for September when it cools

And you don’t have to hear this whining fool.


August 2022

About This Poem

This is another weather poem, taking into account my faith background. It probably sounds offensive to some, but I think true faith questions God even about simple things. This is a, perhaps, flippant example of that. Faith doesn't always have to be serious and neither does poetry.


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