Tuesday, February 7, 2017

February Running

So here is a bit of my winter life as a runner:

1 February 2017 Wednesday
            So I got brave last Thursday and I went down to the park for a run. I decided to go to the park and just run over a mile because it had been over a month since my last run. They plow the walking path in the park and since it has been warm enough in the days to thaw I figured the path would be clear. For the most part it was and I found it easy to avoid the few ice patches in the shaded areas.
            The run felt good. I kept the pace slow and easy and I enjoyed the snowy scenery. On Saturday I was feeling muscles in my legs that the last month had almost made me forget but it was good to be reminded that I have muscular legs. I thought I’d run again on Sunday but it got busy and I didn’t push the issue so it didn’t happen. Oh well. Monday will work.
            On Monday morning I awoke to four inches of beautiful new snow that later in the day turned to wet slop. And the trail in the park didn’t get plowed so I didn’t run again. But I shoveled snow. Quite a bit of it.

2 February 2017 Thursday
            And then on Wednesday I ran again. It was late afternoon, about 3:30 and the sun was low on the horizon. All those little melty spots against the pavement in the park began to freeze even as I ran so that on the first lap what was a puddle became black ice on the second lap. I kept running though, just taking little zigs and zags here and there to keep off the bigger ice patches. Only once did I feel a little bit of a slip. So I think I’m ready to cautiously get back in shape to run a few miles. I think it’s time to think about Bloomsday. There’s just one little hindrance and it is my hernia. I’m going to schedule a surgery today. We’ll see what that does to my plans.

6 February 2017 Monday
            So I didn’t get anymore running in over the weekend because of Super Bowl and away high school basketball and rain and dark. Now I am at the point where I have to schedule it. So I’m scheduling it in my afternoon today. It’s going to be a busy day because it is Monday. But I’m going to get my butt back in shape. I’m going to schedule it just like a hernia surgery.

            I have to schedule it because I already know I’m going to have a small relapse when I get my surgery. I’m going to go backwards again. But I’ve been around the block enough times to know that sometimes you’ve got to go backwards a bit to gain the momentum to go forward. And that’s what we have to do is go forward.

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