Wednesday, February 20, 2019

86. Unalienable Rights

            I spoke about American initiative and imagination earlier and I mentioned how it makes us an inventive country. It also makes us a contagious country. By that I mean that people want to come here. People want to enjoy the freedoms and ideals that we set forth at the founding of our nation. People do believe that all mankind are “created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
            Here in the United States we work to ensure those rights. And yes, it creates a steady stream of conflict. How do we assure those rights? How do we assure that everyone that has those rights doesn’t interfere with another person’s rights? We established a constitution that offers us recourse when our unalienable rights are being denied. We established a constitution that we use to organize our nation and our belief systems to ease the conflicts that inevitably arise from there being so many of us, so many individual ideas, so many conflicting ideas.
            I’m an American and I have a tendency to think there are quite a few crazy people in this country, but I fully believe they have an innate right to be crazy. And like most of the Americans I know, I fight to maintain those rights. My point in this little diatribe isn’t how much I love the constitution, but how much I love the structure and ideals of this country that keep our natural human selfishness in check. I think the American initiative to support humanity is commendable no matter how often it seems to fail, because Americans get right back up and try again to support humanity and to fight against inhumanity. Just one more reason to love America.

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