Tuesday, July 2, 2019

100. Automobiles

            While I’m bragging up American ingenuity and inventions that make me proud to be an American I can’t forget the automobile, that most expensive of things that I haven’t figured out how to live without. I love my cars. Here in Idaho it would be very difficult to live without one. I couldn’t live as far from work as I do, nor could I do a zillion things that I do to live because there is absolutely no public transportation where I live. Second only to the train is the automobile for opening up the American continent to the countries that are now here. Luckily we still have plenty of places where cars can’t go, but even exploring those places would require a great deal of perseverance if you couldn’t get nearer them by car.
            I will say this. I am looking forward to the day that cars no longer leave such a huge carbon footprint and I’m quite glad that electric cars are becoming a viable option. But I still love cars because they get us around. I don’t think you’ll find a country in the world that doesn’t now use automobiles to get from place to place. And, of course, this clever invention all came from an American named Henry Ford.
            You know, I’m so thankful for my car that I think I’m going to take a drive today to see some of those trees that I was writing about in some of my previous entries. The automobile is just one more thing that reminds me of the many good things there are about this country of ours.

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