Wednesday, February 19, 2020

I don’t even have a photograph to show.

So often those I love move on,
So I put them away in the boxes of my heart
like old photographs.

We haven’t even gotten to that point yet.
You aren’t some photograph
But a real, living, sentient being
Whom I cherish in the present
And have yet to even click the shutter on.

What will I show people in the future
When I talk about you?
How much I love you?
How you teased me in a thousand ways
And came back from Texas to visit me
At random places?

The 23rd Psalm and the Lord’s Prayer?
Those aren’t things to show
But words to say
When the person in the photograph
Has gone away.

I haven’t taken your picture yet.
Just hold still for one moment, please.
Just one more smile for the camera.

Say cheese…

Where did you go?

Oh God,
Please no.
Please no.

I don’t even have a photograph to show.