Wednesday, April 15, 2020

135. Rock and Roll

            One type of American music that I really enjoy and that sustains me in this time of quarantine is Rock and Roll. The rhythm of a good drum beat, the strum of a guitar and a gravelly voice taking me away from whatever state I am in is downright celebratory. In times like these when we’re all cloistered in our homes, getting edgy with one another and just wanting to go out to see our friends, it can’t hurt to jam out to some Buddy Holly, Elvis Presley or Joan Jett and just let go with your voice, no matter how off key you may be. I like that old time Rock and Roll.
            Rock is also a symbol of rebellion. What better time to rebel? While it’s not actually possible to chase away the virus by singing and beating on drums or just listening to Rock on the stereo, it is a way to say we are here, we are going to make it, and we will survive. That is the most important thing we can do right now in our isolation. We have to stay strong and sometimes belting out or jamming to an angry Rock song might just be the way to do it. Even if it’s only in your ear buds, music is an emotional release, an emotional declaration, and an attestation to our very existence. So why not do just that with that old time Rock and Roll?
            While I certainly think of Rock music as American, I can’t deny that some of my favorite Rock and Roll artists are not necessarily American. I love the Beatles. I love plenty of American bands as well. Right now, I have Bob Seeger tunes going through my head. And since I’m writing this, like a radio dial in my head, I hear Bob Dylan.
            Just take a few minutes everyday to skip the soothing yoga type chants and belt out some plaintive rhythmic wails. It’s all right to rage against the machine every once in awhile and admit that you like that good old-fashioned American Art form of Rock and Roll. And if it makes you feel even better just imagine your parents telling you to turn that crap down, or better yet, turn it off. Then just crank the volume a little more and scream “Today’s music ain’t got the same soul. I like that old time Rock and Roll.”

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