Wednesday, April 7, 2021

182. American Optimism

There are a zillion characteristics I can think of when I categorize the American people, but the one that strikes me the most is our optimism. I know sometimes that optimism can teeter on the edge of delirium, but in the end, I think being optimistic is the best way to live. I know that many of my European friends view Americans as naïve, not fully aware of the negative aspects of the natural world and the human condition, but I don’t believe that to be the case at all. Certainly, our optimism springs from our very reason of being in this country as immigrants at all. Many of our ancestors and our neighbors came to this country out of desperation and a need to escape unspeakable terrors and while everything here was not hunky dory, they were able to scratch out a life for themselves and their children. They were able to make things better, they came here with hopes and dreams, and many of those things worked for them. So yes, Americans have been born of optimism and they work with that in mind.

It’s not to say that there aren’t plenty of pessimistic Americans, chief among them can be me, but Americans believe in working to attain the positive. In fact, sometimes we tend to believe we are so right about how to do something that we bulldoze over every other idea when maybe we shouldn’t. Right now, our politics are so divided because of this, and we certainly caused some evil wars because of our optimistic belief we were right, so sometimes American optimism can be a negative thing. But what I really appreciate and value about American optimism is that kind of Job aspect of never giving in, never cursing God and dying. That is kind of amazing when all people know that the end result of our individual lives is going to be death. Americans won’t just roll over and accept that. We migrate to new places, we fight for our rights, and we persevere. I am grateful for that.


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