Thursday, June 24, 2021

191. Roses

Sitting here this early summer morning of 2021 on my deck in the back yard it has occurred to me that I have not written about roses. I’ve made lists about the things I appreciate in America and nowhere have I written down roses! I while away hour after hour in my yard with roses. Last year when we built our garage I spent hours digging up my rose bushes and replanting them along the south side of the house (the best place I had in a pinch) to save them while letting other plants get buried beneath cement. I love roses and cultivating them. Just yesterday we walked in the park and I felt like I was in heaven as the scent of the rose garden enveloped me. I used to buy a new rose bush for every year we lived in our house until I couldn’t figure out where to plant them anymore. Now I am resuming that plan as I have built my garage and I can place them throughout the property. How could I have overlooked that thing that gives me so much pleasure throughout my life? I love roses.

The buds of roses, after the little green wrapping has unfolded, reveal the colors that the full flower will have. Each petal unfurls slowly, releasing the scent of heaven. Some roses are single petaled, meaning that when they open there aren’t layers of petals. This type is the hardy old-fashioned type that can handle harsher weather, the type that the houses of York and Lancaster used to symbolize their families and why their wars were known as the Wars of the Roses. The hybrid roses have multiple petals and are probably what most people in our modern world imagine when the word rose is conjured up. The Tudor rose was the combination of the houses of York and Lancaster, so it would have been a hybrid. I like them all and I aspire to have a myriad of colors and fragrances in my own yard. While I used English monarchy to explain roses, you need to know that wild roses are native to the US and their essence pervades the hills right now. I so appreciate roses.


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