Wednesday, August 3, 2022

242. Art

I like art. Our world has the capacity to be seen in a zillion different ways and I use that verb “seen” loosely because it’s more properly interpreted as experience. My forms of art that I like to employ are speaking, writing, and phone photography. So when I say I like art I’m not speaking strictly of visual arts, but for this entry that’s what I want to focus on.

This past month we went to Seattle for the Fourth of July and the days following. One day we went to the SAM Sculpture Gardens. There are several pieces of art there that are striking, foremost of which is Echo, a large statue of a face seemingly gender neutral, but it should be a woman since it’s based upon the Greek myth. There is no hair and the eyes and mouth are closed. It’s very tall and pillar shaped, or so it appears from the back. I just wanted to see it from every angle. I’m very familiar with the myth and I wanted to see the myth in the statue after having observed it already from several angles before I even knew what it was called.

That’s just one example of art that intrigued me. I also like to take photographs with my pone. I like to look at things that we see every day and show them from a different angle so that you stop and see things from a unique perspective. The best things are flowers, landscapes, insects, and architecture for me. I find it difficult to capture people so that they don’t look scattered or awkward or that I don’t make them feel that way. I don’t have much capacity to zoom in with my phone. I also use my phone because I always have it with me.

I also love paintings. I have absolutely no patience to get myself to paint, but I certainly enjoy the paintings of others. Some of my favorites are those by my mom and various friends as well as the classic American and international artists like Trumbull, Chagall, Van Gogh, Monet and a zillion others I don’t even know by name. I just love art.

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