Thursday, August 1, 2024

Poem: Rimas Disolutas

Rimas Disolutas

At the table we sit
Every morning to eat
Some breakfast or
Drink our coffee.
Our daily routine.

Before thoughts start to flit
Or musing begin to beat
Guilt into us for 
Transgressions that we
Have made, we make pristine

The new day in its way
That will be different—
Different from the previous
So that we can forgive
Ourselves of previous sins.

But sometime that day 
Comes when we rent
From ourselves devious
Ways to guiltily live
Without forgiving within.

December 2022

About This Poem
While I love winter, I do get the typical doldrums and dark thoughts when it's dark. This is a poem that indicates that. I titled the poem after the form. It has rhyme from line to line, but not end rhyme. To me the type of poem looks like a poem, but reads like prose. I think the photo is in San Diego in a restaurant. It might look like morning, but not on the west coast... Still, I found it fitting for the poem.

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